1981-1985 ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³ »ý¹°Çаú, Çлç
1985-1990 Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany, Diplom.
1990-1994 Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany, Ph.D.
1994-1999 Mount Sinai School of Medicine of NYU, USA, Research Associate
1999-2007 Mount Sinai School of Medicine of NYU, USA, Instructor, Assistant Professor
2007-ÇöÀç ¼º±Õ°ü´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ, ±³¼ö
1. Jeong, et al., 2019. Prmt7 promotes myoblast differentiation via methylation of p38MAPK on arginine residue 70. Cell Death & Differentiation, in press.
2. Vuong et al., 2019. PRMT7 methylates and suppresses GLI2 binding to SUFU thereby promoting its activation. Cell Death & Differentiation, in press.
3. Choi et al., 2019. Skeletal muscle-specific PRMT1 deletion causes muscle atrophy via deregulation of PRMT6/FOXO3 axis. Autophagy, 15(6), 1069-1081.
4. Pyun et al., 2018. Cardiac specific PRMT1 ablation causes heart failure through CaMKII dysregulation. Nature Communications, 9(1), 5107.
5. Jeong et al., 2017. Cdon deficiency causes cardiac remodeling through hyperactivation of Wnt/-catenin signaling, PNAS, 114(8).
6. Lee et al., 2016. PKN2 and Cdo interact to activate AKT and promote myoblast differentiation. Cell death and Diseases.7 (10):e2431
7. Jeong et al., 2016. Prmt7 deficiency causes reduced skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism and age-related obesity. Diabetes, 65:1868-82.
8. Jeong et a., 2016. A Shh coreceptor Cdo is required for efficient cardiomyogenesis of pluripotent stem cells. Journal of Molecular Cellular Cardiology, 93, 57-66.
9. Lee et al., 2015. Overweight in mice and enhanced adipogenesis in vitro are associated with lack of the hedgehog coreceptor Boc. Diabetes, 64 2092-2103.
10. Jeong et al., 2014. Cdo suppresses canonical Wnt signaling via interaction with LRP6 thereby promoting neuronal differentiation. Nature Communications, 5, 5455.
11. De et al., 2014 Inhibition of master transcription factors in pluripotent cells induces early stage differentiation. PNAS, 111(5) 1778-1783.