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Title SKKU-SOM joins Kingo Run
Name SKKUSOM Date  2015-05-14 Hit 1859



 SKKU-SOM joins Kingo Run


2015 SKKU Spring Festival was held on Humanities and Social Sciences Campus (Seoul) on May 14.

SKKU-SOM students and Dean Kyung Soo Lee joined Kingo Run, the main event of the 2015 SKKU Spring Festival. The event was prepared to enhance the friendship between students from Seoul and Suwon Campus.


50 students from SKKU-SOM Pre-Medicine program joined the mini-marathon and enjoyed the Kingo Run with Dean Lee and staff members from the faculty office. The mini-marathon started from the main gate of Seoul Campus, SKKU Square, and led to neiborhood area around the campus. The entire students from both campuses as well as the participants from local community was invitd to join the event. The Kingo Run was followed by various games and events which entertained the participants and promoted communication among the students from two campuses.
