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Title SKKU-SOM wins the MRC Project
Name SKKUSOM Date  2016-12-12 Hit 947

SKKU-SOM selected for MRC Project


SKKU-SOM was selected as the hosting institution for MRC (Medical Research Center) Projected supported  by the National Research Foundation and the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. The MRC project is a large-scale grant project to develop high-quality research outputs in the field of Basic Medical Sciences. The selected project is " Single Cell Network Research Center" (Prof. Kyeung Min Joo). The major focus of the project is to elucidate mechanisms of tumor initiation/progression and cell differentiation/regeneration by utilizing single cell analysis techniques.


The three main contents of the research projects are as below:

1. Upgrade of singe cell analysis technology

2. Investigation of intra-tumoral heterogeneity via single cell analysis

3. Regeneration and differentiation research based on single cell analysis


The project began on December 1, 2016 and it will continue for 7 years with annual grant of approximately 850,000 USD. "Single Cell Network Research Center" looks forward to collaborating with different institutions around the globe to develop research in single cell analysis.


Some of the  expected contribution of this project is to provide drug development platform to pharmacological companies through the in silico disease models reconstituted by single cell analysis on diseases and to implement the single cell reconstitution models for intra-tumoral heterogeniety to other human diseases such as cardiac and neurological disorders.