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Title The 3rd Clinical Training Photo Contest
Name SKKUSOM Date  2016-11-30 Hit 983

Clinical Training Photo Contest

SKKU-SOM held ¡°the 3rd Clinical Training Photo Contest" on the second floor of the Cancer Center at the Samsung Medical Center. The purpose of this contest is to build warm relationship between our training students and patients, practitioners and hospital staffs through taking pictures together during their training period.

The theme of the contest was Doctor: the meaning of doctor as a profession for myself  and it was not an easy task for participants to take photos under this theme. Among all the photos submitted to the contest, only 25 photos passed the preliminary round. Those 25 photos were displayed at the corridor and hallway of Cancer Center for public voting. Top 4 photos with the most votes got the prize of ¡° ìÒ ëù çß , òª ¡± (humanity, righteousness, propriety and wisdom).

Top 4 voted photos are as below:


Seung Joon Lee ¡°Listening to baby¡¯s whisper¡± for the Humanity prize


Min Soo Kin ¡°Rapport¡± for the Righteousness prize


Cho Rok Song ¡°Communication¡± for the Propriety prize


Ye Sung Lee ¡°Yet again¡± for the Wisdom prize