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Title 2015 Summer Faculty Retirement Ceremony
Name SKKU-SOM Date  2015-09-10 Hit 1315


2015 Summer Faculty Retirement Ceremony


SKKU School of Medicine(SKKU-SOM) held the 2015 Summer Faculty Retirement Ceremony on August 21 at the K-Hotel.

This summer, 5 professors,  Prof. Kim Chong Kwan (O rthopedics)   , Prof. Park Sung Woo (Internal Medicine), Prof. Seo Jai-Gon (O rthopedics) , Prof. Lee Dongsoo (Psychiatry) and Prof.Chang Woon Ha (C ardiothoracic Surgeryretired from SKKU-SOM.


More than 150 people attended the retirement ceremony including Vice President of Medical Affairs, Dean of SKKU-SOM, and the directors of three training hospitals. It was a special event to thank the professors for their contribution to the university and the hospital, which included congratulatory message from the Vice President and the Dean, and the farewell message from the retiring professors.

