SKKU-SOM Career Talk Concert SKKU-SOM Excellent Researcher Award Faculty Meeting at SCH and KBSH
Meeting the New Chair of the SKKU-SOM Alumni Association, Prof. Sanghoon Lee You have recently taken over the position as the Chair of the SKKU-SOM Alumni Association. Could you ...
Prof. Young Ho Kim & Prof. Sung Noh Hong, Searching for the Better Cure for Crohn's DiseaseProf. Young Ho Kim is a gastroenterologist who specializes in inflammatory bowel disease. He ...
Developing Semiautomatic Software for Measurement of Abdominal Muscle: Useful for ... Nonheavy Drinking and Worsening of Noninvasive Fibrosis Markers in Nonalcoholic Fatty ...
Clinical Training Photo ExhibitionThis March, the annual Clinical Training Photo Exhibition was unveiled for display. A total of 34 students submitted a diverse palate of works, including photographs, ...
SKKU-UU Sport CompetitionOn April 27th, Sungkyunkwan University and the University of Ulsan School of Medicine held a joint sports day at the soccer field and main track field of the SKKU Natural Sciences ...