Meeting the President & CEO of Samsung Changwon HospitalApproximately one year has passed since you were appointed as the President of Samsung Changwon Hospital (SCH). During the first year ...
SKKU-SOM 20th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony Opening Ceremony for Medical Research Center (MRC) Introducing a New International ...
Prof. Oh Young Bang, True Multi-player Who Develops Advanced Treatment for Stroke Patients Prof. Yoon Suk Jung, Up-and-coming Researcher of Colorectal Neoplasia
Prognostication of Extranodal NK/T-cell Lymphoma, Nasal Type (ENKTL) Effect of Exercise on the Develop-ment of New Tatty Liver and the Resolution of Existing Fatty Liver
Annual Workshop for New PBL Tutors SKKU-SOM held the annual workshop for new Problem Based Learning (PBL) tutors on January 21st. PBL is group based learning for 4th year students ...
Thank You, Professors! Before leaving the school, the 6th year students hold the teacher apprecia-tion party every year. It is a gathering where students and professors can get together and reminisce on their ...